Last October, I re-reached my goal weight and was out shopping for new clothes. While walking by a make-up counter, I decided to sit down for a consultation. The gentleman that was “consulting” me was very confident in his abilities. I watched the process in a hand held mirror and was quite impressed. When he was finished, he walked me to a much larger mirror and said, “See? It’s you….but better.”
At the time, I didn’t catch it. Months later, those words hit me hard. That man was saying he had made me better; that make-up made me better; that I, in myself, wasn’t good enough.
So, I started thinking…what does Me-but-better really look like? Thankfully, Me-but-better doesn’t have anything to do with make-up, problems spots or T-zones.
My Future Self is coming and the road to Future Me could easily turn into Me-with-self-doubt or Me-without-hope. The good news is that I am the one in control of that. I’m determined that I want Future Me to be Me-but-better, but what does that mean?
Me-but-better is being true to myself. It’s pursuing my dreams. It’s filling my son with hope and giving him life tools. It’s showing, not just telling, my husband that he’s the love of my life. It’s deciding, every day, to find places of inspiration and motivation. It's living out my personal mission statement:
"The mission of my life is to appreciate simplicity; to dwell in a healthful mindset; to inspire and seek inspiration; to allow only me to create my definition of self; to relish in moments; to create where there is a void and create space where there is clutter; to seek to better my faults, but also appreciate my gifts."
Even today, I am Me-but-better than I was 3 years ago, when I started my weight loss journey. I’m going to build my Me-but-better Disney Castle and pursue her with passion.
What does You-but-better look like?
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